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First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP’s)

The practice now offers a direct service for patients with back, neck, joint or muscle pain.  This is delivered by our highly qualified First Contact Physiotherapists (FCPs) who are all Senior Physiotherapists with postgraduate training in Musculoskeletal Management.

Our FCP’s deal with all types of problems affecting the bones, joints or muscles. They are skilled in examining and treating these conditions. They are qualified to request X-rays and scans when required. In some situations they can offer injections for musculoskeletal conditions.  If you need a course of Physio treatment they will also be able to refer you into the Harrogate Hospital Physiotherapy department.

So, if you have a new problem with your back, neck, joints or muscles you can book to see the FCP without the need to see a GP first.   Please complete an eConsult to give details of your condition and request an appointment or alternatively you can call our reception team who can book you directly into one of our FCP’s appointments.  Appointments are based in the surgery and our FCP’s are available to see patients either face to face or via a telephone consultation. 

Our GPs greatly value the specialist knowledge of our FCP’s and they often ask their opinion on difficult cases.  Dr Poskitt says “If I had back, neck or joint pain a conversation with one our FCPs would be my first course of action, every time”.